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Wayne’s World Podcast

Christian Values, Christian Stories, and Biblical Truth.

Featured: Overcoming Cravings

Season 1, Episodes 1 and 2

Get the New Book "Unbelief" at Amazon

Unbelief causes many Christians to turn away from the Christian life. Find some tips to cope with unbelief.

About Wayne’s World

Christianity is being challenged in America. Many are proclaiming it is unAmerican to insist the Christian way is the only way. American history tells us it would have been unAmerican to not insist Christianity is the only way. The constitution provides freedom of religion. If you want to practice any other religion, go for it. Our founding fathers were more concerned about keeping the American church from becoming like the church of England. This website proclaims the message of Christ to the world. You may freely choose to ignore the message. I encourage everyone, please make an educated decision.

Latest Episode

Chasing Your Cravings,  Part 2

Jesus wants each of us to walk in Love, Following Him. Yes, He leads us beside still waters but we also walk through the valley of death. There is more to the Christian life than church. It is easy to be a Christian in Church. What are you in school, at home, in your community? What is your main focus in life?

Season 1, Episode 2   | 14:55 Mins

Recent Episodes

Unbelief, Chapters 1-3

by Wayne Wedge | Overview of the book Unbelief

Chasing Your Cravings, Part 1

by Wayne Wedge | Overcoming

Chasing Your Cravings, Part 2

by Wayne Wedge | Overcoming

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Meet The Host

Wayne Wedge

Wayne Wedge

Wayne is a Christian who loves the Lord. He is married to his high school sweetheart. Raylene is his prized partner after the Lord. Without the Lord he can do nothing. Without her, he can do nothing well. He loves life, his family, and his community. He has been a Christian since 1980. He retired from the Air Force in October of 2000. His military travels led him to Spain, Georgia, Louisiana, Illinois, Korea,  Idaho, Virginia, and Oklahoma. He graduated from a small school in Oklahoma and now teaches high school students in the same small school. Wayne and Raylene taught Children’s Church and led Youth Ministries for many years. He used Gospel Ventriloquism and animal balloon sculpture to capture listener’s attention. The Holy Spirit captured the listener’s hearts. The Holy Spirit is the key to all his and Raylene’s success in ministry.