By Wayne Wedge

Turning Away

Ministry for America

What does Marty Sampson and Joshua Harris have in common? Two things actually. First, both are, or rather, were iconic Christians. Both were Christian writers. Marty wrote songs mostly for the band Hillsong. Joshua was an evangelical writer and pastor. Both Marty and Joshua recently made the decision to turn away from Christ. Marty says he is searching but for now he is almost convinced being a Christian is worthless (paraphrase). Joshua apologized to the homosexual community for his previous stance on their lifestyle while serving as a pastor. Neither of these two icons in the church represent the first ones to turn away from following Christ.

About 62 years ago Charles Templeton, evangelist and pastor (Billy Graham’s close friend) became an agnostic and walked away from Christianity. He tried desperately to convince Billy Graham to do the same.  Templeton went so far as to write a book titled, “Farewell to God: My Reasons for Rejecting the Christian Faith” in 1995. Lee Strobel interviewed Templeton for his book, “The Case for Faith” in 2000. Templeton told Strobel how he missed his relationship with Jesus.

Walking away from God is not new and is a choice freely made by those who choose to walk away from Christ. Why does a person turn away from a Gold mine? Unbelief? Are they disconnected from Christ through a lack of prayer and Bible reading? Those who choose to walk away from Christ have reasons. Their focus is on the reasons rather than on God. I would like to suggest many of those who walk away from God have not even fully investigated the reasons leading to their decision. It appears they just feel the reasons make sense enough to support their decision.

From that prospective, let’s examine some of Marty Sampson’s reasons over the next few blog posts. Please understand, I will not be challenging Marty’s comments but rather sharing the other side to his comments. God can defend himself. I can be wrong, Marty can be wrong. However, God is always right. When one goes on social media questioning God’s holiness and God’s Word. He or she has to answer to Him.

Christian Author

Arthur Wedge

Arthur Wayne Wedge is a teacher at a rural public school. He was named after his mother’s dad and John Wayne his mother’s favorite actor. He has served in Christian Ministries for 39 years. He and his wife Raylene have four children. Wayne has a desire to see his family and community come to Christ. He claims to be no different than any other human. In his opinion there are two types of people: sinners and repentant sinners. Wayne is fallible and makes mistakes daily. However, he serves an infallible and powerful God. His latest book shares thoughts and scripture pointed towards End Time study. This ia a great book to supplement Bible study.

Other Books

Unbelief, Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give In, Give Your All to Jesus

Want some tips on growing in Christ? This book shares tips on how to keep Spiritually Fit.

Do You Know What You Believe?

Many base their belief in Bible upon family, friends, famous people, or Christian, preaches and teachers. This book focuses on avenues to search out sources of the Bible and learn about biblical heritage first hand. 

Computers Can’t Think Outside the Box

For almost 35 years, the author has worked on computers, computer networks, computer programming, and teaching others about computers. This book aims to give confidence to those intimidated by computers.

Coming Soon!

Available November 1st, 2019

The Doe Creek Clan


The Doe Creek Clan exists to solve local mysteries. A brother and sister and three friends band together with local police to solve a murder in their small community.