Wayne's Ministries Childrens' Page
Jesus is Ultra Best Part 2Welcome back. There are some games, videos, and activities to enjoy. Jesus is UltraBest..
Game Room
Here is a game that will challenge your memory. This one is different. Ready? There are 10 pictures that are actually 5 pairs of pictures. While each pair of pictures are not identical, they are related. Click a picture then find the matching picture. How fast can you match all four pictures?
Encouraging Words
Jesus is not just the best you can ever hope for He is Ultra Best.
Words of encouragement from kids just like you.
Move your mouse to the gray bar below the slide and click on the next number to advance the slide. The message slide has a brief video. Click the play button to play the message. Wanna make the slides bigger? Click the two arrows at the lower right below the gray bar.
Click this text or the button below to watch a super video from superbook about knowing God.