By Wayne Wedge

Prayer to the Living God

Ministry for America

January 1, 2022 begins a 15 day study of prayer. While my prayer life has improved somewhat over the years. I fall incredibly short of quality time with God. Prayer requires preparation, faith, mercy, and grace. Our first look at prayer comes from Chapter 9 of Daniel. This prayer came during the first year of the Median King Darius. Here is a link to the prayer from the Blue Letter Bible. Daniel 9

Let me describe the topic of prayer for this study. Prayer is communicating with God. There are various types of prayers: Prayers of Praise, Prayers of petition/requests, Prayers of intercession/Supplication/Confession, Prayers of Thanksgiving, and Praying in the Spirit. There are other branches of this topic but we will focus on these types over the next 15 days. Each day we will seek answers to the following questions.

What is the day’s prayer from the Bible about?

What is a good takeaway on the day’s study of prayer?

Open question about the day’s study verses. (The first day we address other passages in scripture that have the same type of prayer.)

Give a summary of today’s prayer as it relates to the Almighty God.

The first study for day 1 begins Below. Feel free to make comments if you are a member but please be respectful.



“Daniel 9 (NKJV) -Chapter 9” Blue Letter Bible. Web. 1 Jan, 2022. <>.

Day 1 Daniel’s Prayer for His Nation

Scripture: Daniel 9

What is today’s prayer about? From reading the scriptures Daniel understood the 70 years of exile was about over. So, Daniel prayed for his nation. He requested God’s mercy and forgiveness and asked God to act in order to bring glory to God, not His people. Daniel grew his faith by reading God’s Word and through prayer. His focus was on the Lord so whatever Daniel asked of the Lord, God would answer. We have a similar promise in John 14:12 and 13.

What is a good takeaway from today’s study of prayer? Daniel prepared for his prayer. He set his focus on the Lord God and then he gave the Lord praise. In verses 5 through 14, Daniel confessed Israel’s sin and disobedience while giving glory to God for his mercy and faithfulness. He told God he and his fellow Israelites were getting what was deserved. Twice he referred to the Law of Moses. In verse 11, he mentioned the curse and oath written in the Law of Moses was upon Israel for transgressions of God’s law. In verse 13, Daniel said all this disaster has come upon us as written in the Law of Moses. Daniel turned to supplications by asking God to turn his fury away from Jerusalem and His Holy Mountain. He said “For the Lord’s sake cause Your face to shine on Your sanctuary, which is desolate. He also said he was not asking for God to intervene because of Israel’s righteous acts but because of the great mercy of God. Verse 19 is the conclusion of his prayer. He asks the Lord to hear his prayer, forgive, listen, and act. He asked the Lord not to delay for His own sake, for Your city, and for Your people who are called by Your name.”


What are other passages in scripture that have on this type of prayer? Nehemiah chapter 1 is also a prayer for God’s people and includes his concern for the walls of Jerusalem. In the New Testament, Jesus prayed for His disciples and for us in John chapter 17. These prayers will be covered in our study of prayer along with other verses in the coming days.


Give a summary of today’s prayer as it relates to the Almighty God.  It is obvious by Daniel’s prayer the exile was not God’s fault. God had tried desperately to avoid punishing his people by sending multiple warnings. He had sent warnings that were ignored by the king, the priests, and the people. Daniel took responsibility for the wrong Israel and Judah had done because he was part of the nation and asked for mercy and forgiveness. He pleaded with the Lord. God heard Daniel’s prayer as he hears all His children’s prayers and gave Daniel the 70-week prophecy in the rest of Chapter 9. We will look at this prophecy in the study of the end times. The key to Daniel’s prayer being heard by God was Daniel’s focus upon the Lord in his daily life. Daniel’s request was in the will of God.


“Daniel 9 (NKJV) -Chapter 9” Blue Letter Bible. Web. 1 Jan, 2022. <>.

Day 2 Nehemiah’s Prayer for Jerusalem

Scripture: Nehemiah 1:1-11

What is the day’s prayer from the Bible about? Nehemiah had prayed fasted before the Lord for days before offering this prayer. He was heartbroken because of the news he received from Hanani concerning the condition of those who had returned to Jerusalem as well as the damage to the city. Nehemiah opened his prayer with praise to the Great and Awesome God in Heaven. He confessed his peoples sins and his sins and asked the Lord to hear is plea for his nation. He then claimed a promise God made to his people. If they returned to Him he would return to them. He reminded the Lord these people suffering in Jerusalem were his people and he asked God to hear his plea and act on his promise by giving him favor with the king.


What is a takeaway from this prayer? When you claim the promises of God, you must do so with the right attitude. Nehemiah was only one man but he served a big God who was able to use him to do great things. If God would put everything together and give him favor with the king, he could go to Jerusalem and get the walls repaired.


What is a key to prayer that reaches God? Praying with the right attitude is very important. Accept responsibility for your sins and ask God for mercy and grace. Realize I am an imperfect man talking to a perfect God.


Give a summary of the prayer as it relates to the Almighty God. God had put Judah in exile for 70 years and he had destroyed Judah and Jerusalem because of the sins of the people. The people were beginning to return but there was much work to do. God was stirring the hearts of the team he was putting together to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and the Temple. Nehemiah would head up the rebuilding of the walls. What Nehemiah was asking was totally in the will of God.

“Nehemiah 1 (NKJV) – Chapter 1” Blue Letter Bible. Web. 2 Jan, 2022. <>.

 Day 3 – Jesus Prays for His Disciples and For US

Scripture: John 17


What is the day’s prayer from the Bible about? In John 17, Jesus is getting ready to go to the cross. He has a time of prayer to His Heavenly Father. He prays for his disciples and all believers. He opens his prayer by asking the Father to glorify his Son so he can give glory back to him. He tells the Father he has given him authority over everyone. He told the Father that he has given eternal life to each one the father has given him. The way to have eternal life is to know the only true God and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth. He then asks the Father to bring him into the glory he had with the Father before the world began. He said the ones you gave me from this world, I have revealed you to them and passed on the message you gave me to give to them. They accepted the message and believe you have sent me. Jesus was getting ready to depart from this world and go to the Father. The disciples would be left behind and are hated by the world because they are not of the world so he asked the Father to protect them by the Power of His Name just as he had protected them by Power of his name the Father gave him. The only one lost was Judas who was headed for destruction. Jesus asked for his disciples to experience perfect unity so the world will know the Father sent him and the Father loves them as much as the Father loves him. He asked the Father not to take them out of the world but protect them from Satan. He then included everyone who would believe in Christ through the Gospel message. Jesus closed his prayer by telling Him the world doesn’t know the Father, but He does. His disciples know the Father sent the Son into the world. He then said, “I have revealed you to them and will continue to do so.”


What is a takeaway from this prayer? The ones the Father gave the Son were always the Father’s. The Father gave them to the Son. The Son then said All who are mine belong to you and you have given them to me, so they bring me glory.

Jesus asked the Father to protect us from the devil but not to take us out of the world. We have to be in the world to share the message of life.

As Jesus reveals the Father to us, the Fathers Love for Jesus will be in us and Jesus will be in us.

The world does not know God the Father but Jesus does and He showed the Father to his disciples.


How can I model this prayer in my prayer life? Jesus knew who he was praying to. He not only recognized Him but He knew Him intimately. Jesus had total and complete trust in His Father. We need to know who we are praying to. We are praying to the living God who is listening to us. The more we study the Word, the more we know of God. The more we know God, the more we trust God’s ability to help us. Jesus didn’t ask for his disciples to be taken out of the world. He asked for them to be protected from the devil.


Give a summary of the prayer as it relates to the Almighty God. I share my opinions in this summary. The Father loves His Son. He knew everything Jesus was saying was true and He knew His Son was about to finish His mission. I can imagine the Father was very proud of His Son. The things Jesus asked Him for His disciples were in line with His Word and blessed Him to be asked for His help. I can imagine the Father was anxious to have that close fellowship with His Son he had before the world was created. In light of eternity, Jesus was only gone for a few years but what a power packed challenging few years. Jesus remembered their fellowship and I know the Father remembered as well.



John 17 (NLT) – Chapter 17. Retrieved from

Day 4 Jesus Teaches His Disciples How to Pray

Scripture: [Mat 6:5-14 NLT] 5 “When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get. 6 But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you. 7 “When you pray, don’t babble on and on as people of other religions do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again. 8 Don’t be like them, for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him! 9 Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. 10 May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. 11 Give us today the food we need, 12 and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. 13 And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one. 14 “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you.


What is the day’s prayer from the Bible about? Jesus was explaining to his disciples how to pray God’s way. We may not see God with our eyes but he is with us and he is listening. He told his disciples how not to pray and how to pray.


What is a takeaway from this prayer? My focus on prayer should be me and the Lord. Nothing else. I may talk to him about others but prayer is between Him and I.

A prayer of faith is the right type of prayer. Our prayers may move others but if our attitude and heart is not right before God, our prayers do not move God when they are prayed publicly or privately.

Prayers of faith are answered while prayers of repetitive words fall short.


When Jesus said, “Pray like this,” what did he mean? Attitude is important. The first three prayers we have read all had a common format. First, these prayers glorified God and recognized His holiness and His kingdom. All three recognized God’s will being done and all three wanted God’s will to be done on earth and in heaven. Then responsibility for sin was accepted by two of the three who prayed and they asked for mercy and forgiveness. Jesus did not sin but he did want sin to be gone. He knew completing his mission would conquer sin. Having the right attitude for prayer is important. We should not pray with the intention of having God do something for us because we deserve it. We need God’s help to overcome Satan so asking for help to overcome the devil should always be a part of our prayer. Not only must we ask for forgiveness, we must remember we have to have a forgiving heart too. We are praying to a living breathing God who has power over the entire universe. What an opportunity.


Give a summary of the prayer as it relates to the Almighty God. It takes faith to pray to the living God. He wants to know you really believe he exists when you pray. God knows what we need before we pray. There is not a question we can ask He doesn’t already know the answer to. Prayer is talking to God. God is listening and watching. He sees everything and knows exactly what we need. I hope my focus gets closer and closer to the living God.

Christian Author

Arthur Wedge

Arthur Wayne Wedge is a teacher at a rural public school. He was named after his mother’s dad and John Wayne his mother’s favorite actor. He has served in Christian Ministries for over 40 years. He and his wife Raylene have four children. Wayne has a desire to see his family and community come to Christ. He claims to be no different than any other human. In his opinion, there are two types of people: sinners and repentant sinners. Wayne is fallible but he serves an infallible and powerful God. His latest book shares thoughts and scripture pointed towards End Time study. This is a great book to supplement Bible study. It is available on Amazon along with other books. All can be bought in electronic format. They are all free starting January 3rd and lasting for 5 days.

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