Wayne's Ministries Childrens' Page
Welcome to Wayne's MinistriesWant to take an adventure in God’s Word?
Our Environment
Wayne has shared many Bible stories with children over the years. He uses animal balloons and ventriloquism to deliver these stories. He now has some other tools God has allowed him to use through technology.
Take a tour of one of the lessons.
Learn By Doing
One way to learn more about God is to apply practical methods to bring truth to light. Many lessons have interactive stories and games to help increase student’s knowledge of the Lord Jesus.
Wayne’s Childrens’ Ministries Mission & Vision
The goal of this site is to share more of Jesus with site visitors. Our vision is to strengthen the younger generation in Christ so they and carry the message forward to future generations.
A Word
From Our Christian Education Leader
Wayne is an educator. He shares this thought. “We must prepare our children for success through a quality education. The same principle applies in the spiritual realm. I hope every site visitor gleans spiritual tools to equip him or her in his or her spiritual walk with Christ.
– Wayne Wedge

Our Upcoming Curricular Events & Activities
Jesus is Ulta Best Part 1
We invite our visitors to visit our first lesson and begin the journey towards learning why Jesus is not just the best. He is the Ultra Best!
Event Info
Part 2 Arrives next Week.
Jesus is Ultra Best Part 2
Come with us as we further explore Hebrews Chapter 1 and seek to understand just how high Jesus rises over religious actions
Event Info
Jesus is Ultra Best Part 3
Join us in our final lesson reflecting on what we have learned in the last two lessons and adding precious golden nuggets of knowledge to our spiritual life.
Event Info
Our News & Announcements
Posts reflecting Wayne’s thoughts on those who cast negative views towards our Christian Faith.
Day 1 Daniel’s Prayer
By Wayne Wedge Prayer to the Living God Ministry for AmericaJanuary 1, 2022 begins a 15 day study of prayer. While my prayer life has improved somewhat over the years. I fall incredibly short of quality time with God. Prayer requires preparation, faith, mercy, and...
By Wayne Wedge How Many Miracles Happen? Not Many. Ministry for America Miracles still happen today. The greatest miracle happens when a sinner repents and becomes a Christian. So what is the purpose for miracles? Consider this example. When Christians get over their...
Fallen Ministers
By Wayne Wedge How Many Preachers Fall? Ministry for America Marty asked the question in his post? "How many Preachers Fall?" He then answered his question, "Many". My question to all is how many kings of Israel fell? All but one! The only king of Israel that did not...
After School programs
Years Established
Get In Touch
Location: 26215 School House Loop
Telephone: (918 647-6720
Email: Wayne Wedge
Non-Discrimination Policy
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